Clean & Sober

Join the Clean & Sober Movement and Show Your Support for Sobriety: Shop Now and Make a Difference in Your Life and the Lives of Others. With our community of like-minded individuals, motivational quotes, and inspiring stories from our followers, we're on a mission to change the perception of sobriety and make it cool. We know that achieving and maintaining sobriety can be difficult, but with the right tools and support, it's possible. Not only will you be investing in your own wellness, but a portion of our profits will go towards supporting those in need of treatment and funding good initiatives in the field. So why wait? Shop now and make a positive impact while looking stylish with our t-shirts, cups and more.

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Triad of Growth Openness, Healing, and Joy - Clean & Sober

Sober Wall-Art

Discover the Sober Wall-Art collection. Inspiring wall art that celebrates the journey... 

Sober AF Men's Motivation T-Shirt - Clean & Sober


Find the perfect clothing for clean and sober individuals and celebrate their... 

  • Clean and Sober logo blog article

    My Journey to Freedom: The Birth of Clean & Sober

    Embark on a journey of transformation and hope with Christian's story, the heart and soul behind Clean & Sober. From the grip of addiction starting at the tender age of...

    My Journey to Freedom: The Birth of Clean & Sober

    Embark on a journey of transformation and hope with Christian's story, the heart and soul behind Clean & Sober. From the grip of addiction starting at the tender age of...

  • 365 Days of Sober blog

    Navigating the First 365 Days of Sobriety: A Jo...

    Explore the transformative first year of sobriety in 'Navigating the First 365 Days of Sobriety: A Journey of Transformation and Renewal.' This article delves into the challenges, milestones, and personal...

    Navigating the First 365 Days of Sobriety: A Jo...

    Explore the transformative first year of sobriety in 'Navigating the First 365 Days of Sobriety: A Journey of Transformation and Renewal.' This article delves into the challenges, milestones, and personal...

  • Why Sober is Better: The Life-Changing Benefits of Embracing Sobriety - Clean & Sober

    Why Sober is Better: The Life-Changing Benefits...

    Unveiling the Power of Sobriety: In our latest piece, "Why Sober is Better: The Life-Changing Benefits of Embracing Sobriety," we explore the multifaceted advantages of a life free from alcohol...

    Why Sober is Better: The Life-Changing Benefits...

    Unveiling the Power of Sobriety: In our latest piece, "Why Sober is Better: The Life-Changing Benefits of Embracing Sobriety," we explore the multifaceted advantages of a life free from alcohol...

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  • Definition Sober

    Sober primarily has two related meanings:

    1. Not affected by alcohol; not drunk. It refers to the state of not being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
    2. Serious, sensible, and solemn. In a broader sense, it can describe a person's demeanor or character, indicating that they are calm, restrained, and free from exaggeration or frivolity.

    The term is often used in the context of recovery from substance abuse, where "being sober" means abstaining from alcohol or drugs.

  • Definition Recovery

    In alcoholism and substance abuse, "recovery" is the journey to overcome addiction, not just by stopping drug or alcohol use but also by enhancing physical, mental, and emotional health, often with counseling or 12-step programs. It's about rebuilding life, repairing relationships, and returning to society productively. This holistic approach addresses addiction's root causes and effects, recognizing that lifelong commitment and personal growth are key to preventing relapse.

  • Definition Clean

    In the context of alcoholism and substance abuse, "clean" refers to:

    Being free from the use of drugs or alcohol.

    When someone says they are "clean," it typically means they are abstaining from drug or alcohol use. It's a term commonly used in recovery communities to describe a state of sobriety or a period of time without substance use. For instance, someone might say they have been "clean for six months," indicating they haven't used drugs or alcohol for that duration.

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Quit Drinking Alcohol Motivation | Most Eye Opening Video